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Tag: eFleetSuite
Electronic Logging Devices
PeopleNet registers ELD with FMCSA
Company Product Vice President Eric Witty, speaking at the company’s user conference emphasized PeopleNet’s status as a “pioneer” in e-logs. He also didn’t completely rule out the potential success of the ELD Extension Act of 2017 — though he believes that potential is very small.
August 14, 2017
Electronic Logging Devices
Small fleet saves time and hassles with ELDs
The biggest ELD hurdle for nine-truck JJ&T Trucking, says Jake Taylor, company co-owner with his wife, Christy, was less operational than technical.
February 10, 2017
Electronic Logging Devices
Baseline compliance ELD from ISE Fleet Services
ISE’s eFleetSuite ruggedized Android tablet paired with a connection to the engine’s electronic control module is an e-log for those without much need to “go above and beyond” in functionality.
December 14, 2016
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