Mack Vision: Common-Sense Contender

While some may remember the Mack Superliner as an owner-operator vehicle, the Vision fits that description in an updated way. Unlike some new trucks whose appearance shows little connection to their forebears, the Vision looks like a Mack – a Mack with a new attitude.

There is plenty of room in the 70-inch bunk either for a two-man team or a couple. However, Mack no longer offers the stand-up sleeper, but only the mid-roof 70-inch apartment and the flat-roof instead. Having spent a shift of a test ride asleep, this writer can vouch for the smoothness of the accommodations while in motion.

The Mack 465 V-MAC has plenty of muscle, despite having a smaller displacement than some owner-operators prefer. This truck has a very strong bottom and is built to perform throughout its power band, yielding excellent fuel mileage. Lugging this truck would require continuous inattention.

There are many useful amenities. The well-lit circular dash allows a full view of most of the instrument cluster. There are three tiers of easily found switches. Switches for dropping the air out of the drive axle air bags and releasing the fifth wheel are separate but still easily accessible. Both seats lie down flat and swivel as well, features this writer hasn’t seen elsewhere.

The Vision exhibits excellent maneuverability and wheel cut, due in part to the slightly set-back front axle. And overall, this truck exhibits cost effectiveness without sacrificing drivability or livability. The Vision has been thoughtfully designed to attract and retain drivers while appealing to buyers with requirements like high fuel mileage, durability, and low maintenance costs.

While some may find the Mack design less futuristic or classic than other brands, its concern for the day-to-day requirements of its owners and operators has not kept it from incorporating new technologies deemed to be worthwhile. The result is a practical workhorse with comfort, performance, economy and dependability.

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