Book revives Pulitzer photo

Moments: The Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photographs ($29.98, Tess Press) includes a 1953 shot of Paul Overby being hauled to safety on the Pitt River Bridge near Redding, Calif., moments before his wrecked cab broke loose and plunged – flaming – 40 feet to the rocks below. Co-driver Hank Baum was rescued, too.

The amateur photographer was a passer-by, Virginia Schau of San Anselmo, Calif., who with a cheap Kodak Brownie camera became the first woman to win the Pulitzer for photography.

Stressed? try relaxing with … Rush hour!
Puzzle fans who haven’t had their fill of real-life gridlock should enjoy the game Rush Hour ($16 from ThinkFun, Players arrange cars and big rigs in preset patterns on a board with a single exit ramp. The task is to move vehicles only forward and backward until a space is cleared for the red car to escape.

The game deploys trucks solely as obstacles – they occupy three squares, to a car’s two – but creative thinkers (and cheaters) can abandon the red car and try to liberate a plastic trucker instead. Depending on the setup, this is sometimes easy and sometimes impossible, like the Atlanta bypass.

Job ranking offers truckers faint praise
Truck drivers have one of the 20 top in-demand jobs of 2006, says Kate Lorenz, editor. Citing federal statistics, Lorenz says the country will need an estimated 223,000 new truck drivers by 2014, which puts trucking at No. 18 on the list.
The job in most demand this year? Retail sales clerks. Others who outrank truckers include janitors, waiters and waitresses, and freight handlers – a.k.a. lumpers.

“You’ve got drivers out there in that parking lot just praying to God to watch over their families, and you’ve got drivers waiting for the girls who go from truck to truck. It’s an interesting world.”
– Charles Buchanan of Hawkinsville, Ga., talks to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at a truck stop

“The guy going along with a taillight out, he’s not really hurting anybody. But if you stop enough of them, sooner or later you’re going to get the one who’s drunk or just has no business driving a truck.”
– Sgt. Jeff Dietrich, in The Hawk Eye of Burlington, Iowa

“I said to Governor Bush, ‘I’m ready to do public service now. Give me the worst job that you’ve got.’ And, man, he did!”
– Former Central Freight Lines President Tom Clowe tells the Fort Worth Star-Telegram how he wound up chairman of the Texas Lottery in March 2000

Have something for Channel 19? Send it to Andy Duncan, Overdrive, P.O. Box 3187, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 or [email protected].