Letters to the editor

America must secure its borders
For years, this country’s borders have been “invaded” by millions of illegal aliens, costing taxpayers billions of dollars, countless jobs and lower incomes. Politicians are having problems deciding what should be done. I can’t understand why. We had no problem rounding up Japanese-Americans for internment during World War II. We created reservations for the Native Americans. And even though we fought a war to free them, the blacks of this country are still seeking freedom.

We are supposedly fighting a war on terrorism thousands of miles away, and we cannot secure our own borders. I have some suggestions.

First, build a double fence with a high-speed interstate in the middle. It would be no different than putting a fence around your own yard.

Second, since every other government agency is busy with terrorism, let the IRS investigate all employers who hire illegal aliens, fine them and force them to pay all back taxes.

Third, deport all illegal aliens to where they came from.

We do not need new laws written by politicians bought by the highest bidder or acting in the best interest of their own political future. We need the existing laws enforced and America secure for Americans and for those who become citizens the legal way. And English should be established as our national language, no exceptions.

Our government had no problem controlling students protesting the Vietnam conflict or the men, women and children at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Why the hesitation where illegal aliens are concerned?
New Castle, Pa.

Speed governors a good idea
I support the proposed rule by the American Trucking Associations to keep new Class 7 and 8 trucks governed at 68 mph.

As a 19-year driver, I have seen our industry go downhill the last eight to 10 years. As much as I hate to say it, these kids today don’t understand: It’s not how fast you can go, it’s about how fast you can safely stop.

I see it every day with trucks blowing through work zones, school zones and towns just like they were not there.

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The new hours of service rule does not cause truckers to speed. It boils down to drivers wanting to run wide open, regardless. I have watched trucking go down the toilet because of these irresponsible buttheads.
Fennville, Mich.

Tabloid news show wronged truckers
The May 17 episode of Inside Edition contained the one-sided story “Dangerous Trucks.” I will never watch this program again.

There are trucks that don’t meet DOT standards, but what is the exact percentage? The story made it sound like every truck on the road was unsafe, and that is just not true. Many truck drivers feel an obligation to maintain their trucks to DOT standards.

I would like to see the show’s reporters ride with a truck driver, doing what he or she does best: driving. Let the reporters watch the number of times the truck driver is cut off by cars, pickups, etc. Let’s watch the tailgating, no-signal lane changes and poor driving etiquette.

Many truck drivers have families at home, just like the crash victims in the “Dangerous Trucks” story. Many truck drivers have been hurt or killed in wrecks when it wasn’t their fault, and yet you don’t see their families on television blaming passenger vehicles.

What about all the cars and pickups that are driving with faulty brakes, broken windshields, bumpers falling off, or balding or improperly inflated tires, while hauling objects heavier than the vehicle has been specified to haul?

My husband is a truck driver, and we have many friends who are truck drivers. I worry about them every day, not because of other trucks but because of the motorists and the way they drive. At least the trucking industry has regulations that limit the hours drivers can be behind the wheel. Unfortunately, there are no hours of service or driver’s logs for passenger vehicles.
Buckley, Ill.

Let all voices be heard
I have read all the trucking magazines over the last 18 years, and I would like to know why don’t you ever do stories on black drivers or feature any products for us.

We don’t use Skoal or listen to country music. (All of us don’t do rap, either.)

Now, I drive a 2001 Peterbilt. It has 165 all-LED lights on it – a very sharp truck if I say so myself. Some of us have some bad rides, so why don’t you guys ever take time to talk to us?

I would love to pick up a magazine that truly is for everyone, meaning movies, music, books and things that will help all of us.

Fuel surcharges pay only so much
Upon reading your editorial [“Fueling your profits,” Viewpoint, May 2006], I see you are definitely working in the wrong place – you should be in the White House.

How can you say that fuel is not affecting the trucking industry? If fuel prices are climbing at an alarming rate and fuel surcharges supply you only with pennies, truckers are losing money. You can only get companies to raise the fuel surcharge so much.

Preventive maintenance fees are also going up across the board, costing us much more to operate than the penny increase we might see from a surcharge.

We grossed $202,000 last year, but all we netted was $33,040. We are very conservative with our costs. Our idle time is below 10 percent.

We are out there every day listening to the CB and discussing this very issue, and I do not hear what you are hearing.
Renssalear Falls, N.Y.

Strike against high fuel prices
I have two ideas about how to respond to the high price of diesel.

First, there is no need for oil companies to make three types of gas. Super unleaded will run everything from a lawn mower to a BMW. Oil companies would save money by making one type of gas, and the government needs to pass a law to make the oil companies do this.

Second, there needs to be a nationwide truck strike against oil companies and everything else that is hurting the trucking industry. The American Trucking Associations, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and the Teamsters should send a letter to every trucking company, setting up a place to have a meeting to discuss a strike.

The problem is, a company driver is not going to park his or her truck because of fear of losing his or her job. If the major trucking companies strike, owner-operators will, too.
Our president is an oil man. He is not going to do anything. We are going to have to strike to make a change.
Sylacauga, Ala.

Send letters to Write On, Overdrive, P.O. Box 3187, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403, or fax to (205) 750-8070, or e-mail [email protected].

Letters are subject to editing for length and content.

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