Letters to the editor

Cross-border pilot plan will hurt small business
The increased number of Mexican trucks that would enter the country under the Bush administration’s cross-border program would severely damage my owner-operator business and many other small businesses.

First, there is no cabotage enforcement in our country whatsoever. Foreign trucks would roam freely, hauling freight meant for American truckers instead of going back to their own country once they have off-loaded, as required by cabotage law. These foreign truckers could undercut rates and haul for under-the-table cash.

Second, the flow of illegal drugs likely would increase, along with the violence it incites. Third, there is no database on Mexican drivers. Are they criminals? Can they speak, read or write English?

Lastly, Mexican safety regulations could not possibly compare to our standards and could cause great threats to everyone’s safety on our highways.
New Castle, Pa.

Drivers pay a price for their apathy
I have noticed more and more drivers are less interested in keeping the truck they drive in good shape. Many drivers pull to a fuel island as if it’s a pit stop at the Indy 500. I watched a driver walk on the hood of his truck to clean the glass. Others don’t shut the truck off while fueling, a direct violation of state and federal laws.

I once asked a driver why he was idling his engine, and he replied that “it gets too hot in the cab” and that he was “only going to be a minute.” Hours later I saw him on the side of the road with no water in his engine. He probably could have caught the leak if he simply had looked under the hood when he refueled.

Could it be that these drivers don’t know how to do such simple tasks? Could it be that they are just lazy and uncaring, or untrained? Does this represent the quality of driving school graduates now being shoved out the door?

I shut my engine off at the fuel island no matter the outside temperature, and I run team. I check my engine every time I fuel, along with my belts, antifreeze and washer fluid.
Fueling takes 10 to 15 minutes. During that time anyone can check the engine compartment, wipe off the trailer taillights, thump the tires and clean the windshield.
Riley, Kan.

Show your pride in what you do
Some drivers lack the pride that those who started this industry once felt. My heart aches when I see drivers who make $50,000 a year, yet do not feel good about themselves.

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Don’t you remember the first time you got behind the wheel? I know you haven’t forgotten the churning stomach, pounding heart and clammy hands. How about the pride and joy you felt when you first got your CDL? Back then, you were excited about the adventure and seeing new things each day.

Take a long, hard look in the mirror and see if you reflect a proud professional. If you do, I commend you. If you don’t, invest some of that hard-earned money in yourself.

You deserve some nice clothes that make you feel good, a new haircut that flatters you and some decent shoes. Love yourself, your family and your friends, and enjoy life.
Boise, Idaho

Send letters to Write On, Overdrive, P.O. Box 3187, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403, or fax to (205) 750-8070, or e-mail [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for length and content.