The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has confirmed that motor carriers will be able to preview their Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 performance data starting April 12.
In a notice to appear April 9 in the Federal Register, FMCSA said this preview is in advance of full implementation on Nov. 30 and will improve safety by effecting early compliance and providing opportunities for motor carriers to become better educated on the new Carrier Safety Measurement System. The data will be available at
FMCSA spokesperson Candice Tolliver told eTrucker last week that as part of the agency’s commitment to launch a comprehensive and effective CSA 2010 program, FMCSA was in the process of incorporating the feedback received from partners and stakeholders in the CSA 2010 pilot states, and that a Federal Register notice was forthcoming that would address the CSA 2010 implementation timeline and data preview for commercial motor carriers.
The American Trucking Associations says that while the preview will include carriers’ safety events (roadside inspections and crashes) and resulting violations, it will not reflect carriers’ scores in each of the Behavioral Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs).
FMCSA also announced that beginning Nov. 30, motor carriers and the general public will be able to view more complete CSA 2010 CSMS data, including scores in each of the BASICs, according to ATA; however, as previously indicated, the public will not be able to view the Crash Indicator scores because of concerns about the quality of the underlying crash data.
ATA also says that FMCSA on Nov. 30 will begin issuing warning letters to deficient carriers, but will not utilize the full range of CSA 2010 interventions; instead, FMCSA will use the CSMS to prioritize motor carriers for standard onsite compliance reviews.
CSA 2010 will replace FMCSA’s Motor Carrier Safety Status Measurement System (SafeStat) with CSMS, which has been developed and tested as part of the agency’s CSA 2010 initiative. SafeStat is an automated algorithm currently used by FMCSA to identify high-risk and other motor carriers for onsite compliance reviews. By implementing the new CSMS algorithm, FMCSA says it will be able to better identify high-risk motor carriers, make more efficient and effective the agency’s and its state partners’ allocation of compliance and enforcement resources, and provide the motor carrier industry and other safety stakeholders with more comprehensive, informative and regularly updated safety performance data.
To submit comments on Docket No. FMCSA-2004-18898 before Sept. 30, go to