Hours of service and electronic onboard recorders are among the topics listed for the National Transportation Safety Board’s first public forum on truck safety in more than a decade.
The agency occasionally conducts forums to focus attention and gather information about transportation safety issues. Unlike NTSB hearings, these events do not center on an accident investigation, but on issues likely to factor in future accidents unless the transportation community takes action.
The truck and bus safety forum panelists will be representatives from government agencies, trucking and bus industries, unions and advocacy groups. The public can attend the Washington, D.C., event or view the live webcast on the NTSB website May 10–11.
The board scheduled the topic of training and licensing commercial drivers for its first day, including commercial learner’s permits, employer notification systems, graduated CDLs and accuracy of data processing. Also on May 10, it will discuss EOBR, HOS, safety culture, vehicle size and weight.
The board’s topics for May 11 include driver crash risk factors, ways to increase driver safety and progress on comprehensive medical oversight for interstate commercial drivers.
More information is available here.