Maryland new pilot program provides truck parking in select park and ride lots during snowstorms of six inches or more.
A new mobile application also is available to locate parking at 45 locations statewide where park and ride lot snow removal also is provided.
The regular and new emergency parking locations may be viewed by:
- An interactive map accessible from a personal computer’s web browser
- A downloadable pdf map to be viewed and printed
- A mobile device application.
The above three options are available at
To download the map application on a mobile phone, users must have iPhone iOS 5+, iPad iOS 3+, Android 2.2+ or BlackBerry 6+. Instructions for downloading the map application also are available online.
The mobile/smart phone application identifies the trucker’s current location using the smart phone’s internal GPS and nearby lots on the map. The nearby lots show exits and mileage from the trucker’s location.