Another Mexican carrier applies to cross-border program

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is seeking comment on the Pre-Authorization Safety Audit of another one-truck Mexican carrier seeking authority under the agency’s pilot cross-border trucking program.

On July 11, FMCSA published the results of the PASA for Jose Guadalupe Morales Guevara, DBA Fletes Morales. This carrier, as have the four other carriers that have received authority under the program, has listed one truck and one driver. The agency rescinded the preliminary approval of another applicant, Grupo Behr, pending further investigation.

The audits are required for Mexican carriers applying to operate beyond the commercial border zone. The program is meant to test and demonstrate the ability of Mexican carriers to work safely in the United States beyond the border zone.

The four current participants have completed 10 trips into the United States since the three-year program began in October.

Eight carriers have successfully completed PASA, including Fletes Morale, as well as three carriers with PASA results published in the May 11 Federal Register. Three other carriers have audit results pending.

The FMCSA’s deadline for receiving comment is July 21 and submissions must include the Federal Docket Management System No., FMCSA-2011-0097. Comment may be provided one the following ways:

• The Federal eRulemaking Portal at

• Fax: 202-493-2251.

• Mail: Docket Management Facility, (M–30), U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, West Building, Ground Floor, Room 12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001.

The notice and request for comment may be read here.

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