A Game of Thrones – George R.R. Martin
Reviewed by Robin Huskey
Baker Packing Trucking
Listening Time: 34 hours
Publisher: Random House
Retail: $54.95
Genre: Fantasy
Plot: This is a tale that begins at a time when kings rule, and the lords, ladies and soldiers serve them. Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell must decide if he wishes to serve as the king’s hand or destroy the evil Lannisters before they take over the kingdom. When sorcerers become involved, the war begins, and the kingdom must fight enemies from within and without.
What was your favorite moment? When John, the illegitimate son of Lord Stark, makes up his mind to serve at the Wall of Ice, where he has become a man of name at last.
Which character was your favorite? Arya, Lord Stark’s youngest daughter, because she will not fit the mold of what a lady should be. She would rather learn to fight with knives and swords than do needlework.
Did the book have a message that stood out to you? Yes, that all families should stand together as one and believe in each other no matter what.
What did you like or dislike? It was a little hard to get into the story to begin with, but it got much better about tape three. After that you just had to see what happens next.

Would you recommend?: Yes, because it is a good book about what might have happened before time was recorded, and you just enjoy meeting the characters.
Narrator’s style: Roy Dotrice has a good reading voice. However, he does not have the range to make the women sound like women.
How would you grade the book? B+
Black Creek Crossing – John Saul
Reviewed by Tom Burton
Company driver
Marvin Keller Trucking
Listening Time: 5 hours 15 minutes
Publisher: Random House
Retail: $25
Genre: Horror
Plot: The two main characters, teenagers Angel and Seth, don’t fit in at their school, but they meet and became friends. Angel’s house on Black Creek Crossing is rumored to be haunted, and the two kids find out a little about witchcraft together.
What was your favorite moment? When they were making potions and spells.
Which character was your favorite? Seth. He just makes you think of how different you can be from your parents and how wrapped up in their lives they can get.
What did you like or dislike? It was hard to get started, but then it brought you around and kept you listening.
Would you recommend?: Only to someone who likes books about spirits and witchcraft.
Narrator’s style: Lee Meriwether has a nice, sweet voice. She is able to change her voice to show different characters.
How would you grade the book? B
Conviction – Richard North Patterson
Rennell Price has 59 days to live, after spending 15 years on death row for the horrifying sexual assault and murder of a girl whose body was found floating in San Francisco Bay. But attorney Terri Paget has dedicated her life to fighting for people like Rennell Price. This time, Terri has a client she believes may actually be innocent, which means that an unpunished killer may still be free.
Rennell, along with his older brother, Payton, was found guilty of the heinous crime, and the conviction has been upheld through one appeal after another. But as Terri spends time with Rennell and recreates the events that put him on death row, she starts to understand the forces that shaped Rennell and the reason he has never been able to defend himself adequately.
As Terri prepares for the last appeal, she gets a new weapon for her battle – fresh evidence suggesting that another man, not Rennell, helped Payton commit the atrocity. But the grim machinery of capital punishment is already in motion. As more people are drawn into Terri’s last-ditch battle, this much is clear: The serious doubts about Rennell’s guilt may not be enough to save him.
6 hours on 5 CDs
Retail: $26.95
Random House Audio
Drivers, here is your chance to review the latest audiobooks. Tell our readers what you like or dislike about the plot and characters, and why you would recommend it to other drivers. At left is one of the audiobooks available in the Truckers News audiobook library. Contact Kristin Walters at (800) 633-5953, ext. 1204, or via e-mail at [email protected] to reserve an audiobook. It will be sent to you free of charge for your review. Audiobooks are available on a first-call, first-served basis.
Audiobook Sources
Audiobooks may be purchased or rented from the following sources:
AUDIO ADVENTURES, (800) 551-6692, for 14-day rental of most major titles.
BOOKS NOW, (800) 266-5766, for purchase.
OASIS AUDIO, www.oasisaudio.com, for purchase.
Simon & Schuster Audio, (800) 223-2336, for purchase.
Audiobooks from these publishers, Random House, Time Warner and Topics Entertainment are available for purchase from www.amazon.com, www.barnesandnoble.com and www.borders.com.