Anderson Trucking Service windmill blade hauler Don Dupuis trucks on at age 73
Don Dupuis from Mosinee, Wis., may be 73 years old, but he keeps right on trucking. He says it’s because he loves the atmosphere.
“The road calls to me, much like it calls to other truckers,” he says. “I care about the services I give others and want to do it to the best of my ability.”
But there is another story there, too. Dupuis’ wife passed away two years ago. “It’s tough to be at home without her,” he says. “I wanted to retire, but when she died I needed something to keep me busy.”
Dupuis began trucking in May 1980 with Anderson Trucking Service, and he’s stayed with the company since. Dupuis recalls early trucking years when components like hydraulics weren’t available to help load trucks. “Some of it was done by hand,” he says. “It was hard labor, but it taught all us truckers a lot about helping others and working hard.”
Of the many things Dupuis has hauled in his lifetime – including gravel, pulp wood and traditional freight – nothing has been as exciting to him as what he hauls today: windmill blades. “It’s definitely a challenge,” he says. “Every load is different and has to be chained down differently for a safe ride.”

Age doesn’t hinder Dupuis’ ability to safely navigate the oversize loads he carries across the country. He knows to keep his eyes and ears alert to make sure his travels are executed safely. “Paying attention is the key to a successful job,” he says. “I drive through a lot of heavy traffic at times. Wide loads keep you on your toes.”
Dupuis has driven accident free for 28 years and was awarded the National Driver Award in 2008 by the National Trucking and Rigging Association. “I’m very proud of the award,” he says. “I felt confident that others saw me suitable for something so important.”
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