Dear Carolyn,
My 36 year-old son just told me he’s going to move in with us. He lost his trucking job and says there’s nothing out there he can do. My husband and I enjoy our empty nest and are sick that this is happening. Do you have any tips for us to handle this situation?
Jennifer and Jason
Dear J and J,
Your 36 year-old son “told” you he’s moving in? Really? How long has your son been telling you what to do? Never mind, I think I already know that answer. I don’t expect you to put him out on the street but I do expect you to set some limits and stick to them. Pick a time and date for his temporary pass to expire and clearly outline what will happen if he’s still there after that date.
It’s hard to hold your kids accountable for their own life but you have to do it. Not just for your sake but for his too.
I’m just say’n,