Hi Carolyn,
I enjoy your column in Truckers New. However, I don’t believe that part about “… even not a very nice person.” I am writing about your advice to Tracy about the “red flags.”
There are some proactive things Tracy could do to expose those red flags. Time often brings out the best and worst in people. I can fake it or even try to put my best foot forward but eventually the real me WILL come out. That might mean dating for at least 2 years or more. Give the relationship plenty of time before a long or forever committment. Also it helps to build a relationship with commonality like how do you feel about spiritual things, religion, God, prayer?
Put off having a physical relationship until marriage or put off as long as possible. At least for us men that becomes the most important factor and there is less chance of building a spiritual, emotional and mental based relationship if all of our problems are solved or putt off being solved by going to bed.
If you are disrespected demand respect or walk. I don’t have all of the answers just some FYI–my wife Claudette and I have been married for 35 years and I still think she is hot !!
Dear Steve,
Do you hear all that cheering out there? That’s all my readers saying, YAY!!!! Thanks for writing. You give great advice. And that fact that you find your wife “hot” after 35 years of marriage means you got it right.
Congratulations to both of you.
I’m just say’n,