The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s subcommittee for its Compliance, Safety, Accountability program will meet April 29-30 to develop recommendations for changes to the program, its scoring system and the intervention process.
The meeting is open to the public and will be held at the Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute in Arlington, Va., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Each day also will conclude with a public comment period.
The CSA subcommittee is part of the agency’s Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee, which is a body of 20 voting members made up of industry stakeholders, including reps from the trucking industry and safety, enforcement and labor. The committee meets several times a year to make recommendations to FMCSA about regulations and policy.
The CSA subcommittee meetings will meet to “identify and make recommendations for enhancements of the CSA program,” according to an April 14 Federal Register entry. Topics will include the CSA program’s Safety Measurement System — the heart of the CSA program — and the agency’s intervention and investigative processes.
The committee will also prioritize its recommendations to direct FMCSA to “the most important or timely needs of the program,” according to the notice.

The committee will produce a report with its suggestions and submit it to the full MCSAC committee in May.
MCSAC met to develop recommendations for FMCSA to consider pitching to Congress for inclusion in the next highway bill, including more stringent New Entrant standards, shipper accountability, driver pay reform and truck parking shortage. Click here to read Overdrive’s coverage of that meeting.