SoftServe, a digital technology solutions provider, is partnering with freight marketplace Overhaul to integrate BioLock, an electrocardiogram (ECG) biosensor analysis system for continuous driver authentication and health monitoring, into Overhaul’s high-value-freight platform. At the intersection of so-called “Internet of Things” technology and cargo theft prevention, the BioLock system ensures device-to-device communication between ECG biosensors embedded into a vehicle’s steering wheel and mobile devices to easily “recognize” and monitor users with a simple touch.

As vehicle technology advances, so too must the security systems and processes put in place to protect the lives of drivers and vehicle operation, SoftServe says. Theft, fatigue and ill-health all contribute to significant risk. Incorporating real-time processing and biometric authentication, BioLock provides an ECG biosensor analysis system to proactively monitor the health of drivers and prevent vehicle theft.
Juan Turruellas, EVP of World Wide Business Development for SoftServe, notes BioLock “will not only protect sensitive data, it can also protect a variety of corporate assets from theft, in this particular case, vehicle theft as unidentified users will be unable to start the engine.”

“Safety and security are a top priority for Overhaul and our clients moving high value cargo,” said Barry Conlon, CEO of Overhaul. “BioLock’s driver authentication technology aids our commitment to prevent cargo theft while keeping our drivers safe.”