New website for Peterson lights

Petersen New Website Lights 2017 01 17 08 25

Peterson Manufacturing Company announced the launch of its newly updated website, After nine months of development, the new site provides visitors a faster, easier way to access the latest information on Peterson products and services from any desktop or mobile device.

Visually, the new site presents a cleaner, more colorful look with bold graphics, updated photos, videos and informative text. Functionally, the layout is streamlined for interactive navigation featuring drop-down menus with quick links to every corner of the site. All main sections –– Company, Products, Resources and News –– are only a click away, as are links to many social media sites.

“Besides updating the look and feel and responsiveness of our site, we also wanted it to be fully scalable to today’s wide range of fixed and mobile devices,” said Rick Stephens, Peterson’s Corporate Director of Information Technologies. “No matter what screen size or device our visitors use, they’ll find the new site automatically fits their windows with high-resolution displays.”

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