Cummins has endorsed two Power Service products for use in its diesel engines – Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost and Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost – the first fuel additive products that Cummins has ever officially recommended.
“In recent years, diesel fuel quality has become increasingly important as engines evolve and the diesel fuel manufacturing processes change,” said Roger England, director of technical quality and materials engineering for Cummins. “The Power Service Diesel Kleen and Diesel Fuel Supplement additives provide easily accessible solutions with proven technology to customers in the field when they encounter challenges with their fuel, such as poor lubricity, low cetane numbers, low temperature operability issues and injector deposits.”
England said Cummins “is in a unique position in that we design not only the engine but also the turbochargers, fuel system and aftertreatment systems, which enables us to fully leverage the Power Service diesel fuel additive technologies.”