There are many ways to determine if a charity is above board, and even further ways to get detailed reports on how much of the money goes where. The Better Business Bureau website has detailed information on how they rate a charity, accreditation for charitable organizations, and charity reviews at local BBB organizations. They provide news and updates on current charity drives, as well as smart giving guidelines.
If the charity you’re researching isn’t listed on the BBB site, some things to look for or ask for are a list of governing documents, including a 501c tax exempt status. As much as GoFundMe pages have helped people raise money for good causes, they have also helped a lot of folks get away with scamming generous people out of a lot of money. Be wary of people claiming to “help truckers,” especially if they can’t provide a clear mission statement regarding just what kind of “help” they’re offering.

It’s kind of sad you have to be so careful, but it’s also a good thing we have the information available to make informed choices about where the money really goes. Regardless of the bad apples, there are plenty of good ones to donate and offer assistance to – choose wisely and keep on giving!