Carriers and drivers that fall under the requirements of new federal food-hauling regulations have a new training resource available to help meet the requirements of the rule.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has established an online food safety training module for trucking companies, free of charge. FDA’s Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food Rule requires training that provides awareness of potential food safety problems, basic sanitary practices and carrier responsibilities.
The agency says the training can be used to satisfy the requirements of the rule, or to complement other training offered by the carrier that meets the requirements of the rule.
Individuals who complete the online training module will be able to obtain a certificate of completion from the website. Carriers are also required to maintain records documenting training to be presented to FDA upon request.
The first compliance date for the rule was April 6, 2017, and small businesses covered by the rule must comply by April 6, 2018.
Other requirements of the rule, in addition to the training requirements, include: (1) That carriers and drivers ensure their refrigerated trailers are pre-cooled prior to loading food, (2) carriers/drivers provide upon request by shippers and receivers proof they’ve maintained the appropriate temperature for the food they’re hauling and (3) carriers develop and implement procedures that specify their practices for cleaning, sanitizing and inspecting their equipment.