The comment period for a proposal that would allow carriers and owner-operators to dispute certain types of crashes in the DataQs system and potentially have the associated points removed from their Compliance, Safety, Accountability scores closes Friday, Oct. 4.
Earlier this week, on Oct. 1, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration implemented a new crash dispute system that gives carriers the ability to dispute 15 types of crashes. Under this system, crashes deemed non-preventable will still remain in the system with a non-preventable notation.
With the proposed rule, non-preventable crashes would be removed from carriers’ Crash Indicator BASIC percentile ranking. The proposal would also combine the crash type involving infrastructure failures and debris with the crash type for trucks struck by cargo and equipment. FMCSA says the distinction between the two crash types did not result in different determinations in an 18-month pilot period for the program.
Though the Crash Indicator BASIC has never been public and is only accessible to law enforcement and carriers within their own dashboards, the BASIC is used to target carriers for compliance reviews or other intervention by FMCSA.
A full report about the crash preventability program expansion FMCSA proposed can be found here.
The full proposal is available here, and comments can be made here by the end of the day Friday. To date, 79 comments have been received on the proposal.