Calling Berkeley’s bluff

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Updated Dec 14, 2009

The article “Berkeley vs. the Marines” at the invaluable is about the 8-to-1 vote by the City Council in Berkeley, Calif., Jan. 29 to tell the U.S. Marines that its downtown recruiting station was “>uninvited and unwelcome” and to call upon Berkeley citizens to hinder the Marine recruiting effort. The council also guaranteed antiwar group Code Pink a parking space in front of the office.

Among the many predictable responses — predictable to anyone not on the Berkeley City Council, anyway — was On Feb. 13, the City Council decided not to send that “>uninvited and unwelcome” letter to the Marines after all, but the rest of its Jan. 29 resolution stands, so We’re curious about that one council member who voted iagainst the resolution Jan. 29. There’s someone who can resist peer pressure!

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