The March edition of tech magazine Wired featured this photoshop creation by Daniel Salo — the first in the magazine’s long-running “>Found” series, in which Wired editors presented their “>best guess at what lies over the horizon,” since they turned the concept over to enterprising readers (follow this link for several of the other design ideas). This artifact from the future shows a conceptualization of a “>typical truck stop from the year 2021,” with the fuel-price sign gone supernova (note, particularly, the prices for methane branded with the Oscar Meyer tag — Wired editors might have done better to insert a Hilarides Dairy brand, eh?).
My perhaps favorite piece of it is the banner sign in the background, which reads, W.H.F.T.A. ENFORCERS ARE WATCHING … IS YOUR RIG UP TO CODE? … WESTERN HEMISPHERE FREE TRADE AGREEMENT
Click on the photo for the full-size pic at Wired‘s site.