With the July-September three-month period down since the hours changes went into effect, putting new limitations on use of the 34-hour restart as well as requiring mandatory 30-min. off-duty break periods for commercial drivers before driving eight hours, a report on Werner Enterprises’ numbers delivered to stockholders showed some real-world economic impact. You can read a report on the company’s Q3 earnings here, but the crucial number here is the miles-per-truck number, down 3.5 percent following the institution of the new rules. The company’s profit was down 15 percent in the same period.
Wendy Parker discussed lost revenue due to a couple of loads that were out of reach as a consequence of the new rules very early on after their implementation, but otherwise I have heard little of a quantitative sort from operators since. Have you seen direct mileage and/or revenue reductions over the last quarter yourself? If so or if not, let’s keep the conversation on the rules ongoing. Share any good examples in the comments.
And following find a video interview with Maverick’s Steve Williams, conducted by the folks at ATA following Williams’ testimony in the House of Representatives questioning the FMCSA’s cost-benefit analyses of new provisions in the rule. There is, of course, ongoing concern over the fact that the agency did not complete the MAP-21-mandated real-world impact study prior to implementing the rule, so many of Williams’ points remain valid today.
[youtube _CI5kbe2ksU nolink]
Trucker’s Wife tee
The folks behind the “My Crazy Life as a Trucker’s Wife” Facebook page have been promoting a sale before they retire their nifty logo — forever. Through tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22, the tee-shirt pictured below can be ordered via this page for $16, long-sleeve hoodie for $30. Be advised…