The latest vid from the Truckers Against Trafficking organization re-ups the outreach to the industry via an empathetic portrait of the victims of human trafficking, the young women and girls forced into the prostitution that remains the cash cow of human traffickers the nation over.
The vid’s message springs from the dehumanizing metaphorical language used to describe lot prostitutes — implying pretty forcefully that the time for the “lot lizard” term’s definitive death is now. But that’s not where the vid’s central power lies — for that, look the testimony of drivers and former trafficking victims throughout it. Give it a look below.
And though I’ve said it before, I’ll go ahead and say it again. As the father of a five-year-old girl, every small effort of the TAT organization to get more and more drivers on board with utilizing their hotline number — 888-373-7888 — to report suspected instances of trafficking comes to me as a breath of very fresh air and ought to be well heeded. The org’s cause is one we can all get behind.
Keep your eyes open out there, and pick up the phone when you see situations such as those described here.
[vimeo 84999385 nolink]