Trucking through the contestants: Trucker Talent Search

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Vote now for your favorite among competitors in the Truck Talent Search via this link.Vote now for your favorite among competitors in the Truck Talent Search via this link.

 Quite a group of competitors we have in our first-ever Trucker Talent Search music/voice competition. If you’re on the road and can afford the data, you can give a listen to the lot of the contestants via the video link below, which should automatically feed one to the next. Enjoy! I noticed a few past Channel 19ers among them, of course — I’ll refrain from singling out anyone lest I risk interfering with voting ongoing via this page, but you know who you are. Good luck to all! I know I’m looking forward to the GATS finale. Roll on, drivers…

[youtube r6KbiVIQ5fk&list=PLc1lg9rs1dUB5eTiMe4i2D7H9qf2oI5ht nolink]

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