Dean and Theresa DeSantis are showing a 1985 Peterbilt 359 at the Great West Truck Show in Las Vegas that, perhaps thanks in part to its longevity, has acquired two names.
“The truck is Old No 7,” said Dean DeSantis. “It was the seventh one we bought.” That was back in the 1980s, when he and his wife built a small fleet. They sold the assets in 1993, but kept the truck and the company name, D.R. DeSantis Trucking.
The other name — The Witches Inn — came later. DeSantis explained that it’s a little word play on “the witch’s in,” since Theresa continued to drive the truck.
A front license tag clues you in to the latter name, saying: “My broom is broken so I have to drive this.”
Dean DeSantis gives more detail on the truck, entered at the show’s Pride & Polish competition, in this video.
Prior to this year, the truck has entered two other Great West competitions, winning First to Show in 2010 and third in its category in 2011.