Few Overdrive readers — 3 percent, according to poll results from earlier in the year — truck solely within the borders of California, thus subject to the California intrastate trucking regulations. For hours of service, such operators enjoy a slightly more liberal approach to hours limitations (12 hours of driving, for instance, in a 16-hour on-duty window, amid a variety of California-specific exemptions for particular commodities).
A spokesperson for the California Highway Patrol says that the CHP is planning to seek an intrastate adoption of the electronic logging device mandate that is likely to impose a deadline of December 31, 2020, for intrastate carriers to use ELDs.
The date, mentioned in a series of slides that were part of a presentation delivered at the CHP’s Commercial Vehicle Safety Summit last month, was confirmed by CHP Director of Communications Fran Clader as at least intentional — nothing, however, is set in stone at this point, she said. “The end of 2020 deadline is our current intention and subject to change. We have not started a formal rulemaking process. There are many factors that may come into play between now and then.”
If it stands, it would be the latest intrastate compliance date that has been determined, in a state with one of two of the most significant intrastate trucking markets nationwide. (Texas’ intrastate ELD compliance date in December 2019 previously was the latest known.)
Oregon Department of Transportation Motor Carrier Transportation Division Safety Programs Manager David McKane, conversely, put to rest any question of whether a delay may be in the offing there, too, for intrastate truckers. The state has adopted the ELD mandate for its intrastate truckers, he said, and “we have now determined we will be enforcing the ELD requirement on intrastate motor carriers on December 18, 2017,” the same timeline imposed by the federal rule for interstate truckers.
Intrastate haulers in Oregon also enjoy a slightly more liberal approach to hours of service limits than that taken by the federal rule for interstate drivers. It’s similar to California’s 12-drive in a 16-hour-window approach, with differences.
Wisconsin and Florida are also among states looking at an intrastate ELD mandate delay.