PCS Software iLoadFinder app

Updated Aug 8, 2012

PCS Software’s iLoadFinder app reads the iPhone’s GPS location and retrieves available loads within a certain radius of the phone. Drivers can specify the radius to search, the distance they want the load to travel, and they can also search by origin and destination city, state and shipper. Once a load is found the driver can touch the screen to either call or e-mail the shipper.

PCS also has the iBOL (Bill of Landing) iPhone app, which can collect consignee signatures on the iPhone. The driver types in the delivery location, pieces and weight, and iBOL will generate a date- and time-stamped signature collection screen. The consignee uses an iPhone stylus to sign, then iBOL sends a signed receipt image file to the driver’s office e-mail address where it can be printed or included with any electronic billing the company may be doing.

PCS Software


(281) 419-9500

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