Ancra’s load organizing, securement device

Ancra’s Security Divider and Deck Board is designed for organizing and securing loads by configuring the lightweight panels for use as a deck board or a secure bulkhead to keep freight separated. Manufactured using high-density polyethylene panels, the dual-use device has lockable E-Beams, and the panels have hand slots to help with handling for added versatility in cargo-carrying capacity and to support double-decked loads. It is available as a kit with two lockable E-Beams and two panels, and the kits come with either standard or heavy-duty beams; the panels also are available separately.

Ancra International,

Pride & Polish
Overdrive’s annual Pride & Polish virtual truck show attracts entries from across the nation showcasing show-quality design, mechanical ingenuity and plenty of trucking-business pride. Find recent-history awards shows, in-depth features about the winners, and more.
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