Robinair’s refrigerant analyzers

Robinair’s R-ID (No. 16990) and R-ID Plus (No. 16995) Refrigerant Analyzers are designed to determine the refrigerant purity of an A/C system quickly and accurately on vehicles with R-12, R-134a or R-1234yf refrigerants. Powered by an internal lithium-ion battery, the analyzers are built to measure the percentage of the refrigerants and of any R-22 and hydrocarbon contaminants. The analyzers also measure the percentage of air in pure R-1234yf and R-134a refrigerants. An optional R-12 hose is required to test R-12 refrigerant. The tools are made to connect directly to an A/C service machine with an external USB port and feature a large easy-to-read color display that shows analysis results. The R-ID Plus adds an internal printer to print test results.


Pride & Polish
Overdrive’s annual Pride & Polish virtual truck show attracts entries from across the nation showcasing show-quality design, mechanical ingenuity and plenty of trucking-business pride. Find recent-history awards shows, in-depth features about the winners, and more.
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