Altom Transport’s Military Tribute TruckNov 13, 2018Altom Transport’s Military Tribute TruckUploaded by : Thomas Warren 2019 Peterbilt 579 Miltary Tribute Truck – Dedicated to Altom’s Founder Aloysius Warren. This is 1 of 2 tribute trucks that Altom rolled out in 2018.Related StoriesHomeLittle BoyHome05 Peterbilt 379HomeXylem’s 2012cascadiaHomeats_magic37Top StoriesLifeIce Pick Bandit caught in the act piercing tires in TennesseeThe Ice Pick Bandit has been caught on video attacking multiple trucks in Tennessee, and the images released bear a striking resemblance to previous photos of a suspect in Florida.LifeFollowing the trucking money in Trump v. Harris and other racesSmall Fleet ChampFrom $13/mile loads in a 'Zombie' truck to stability, growthTrucker of the YearTwo weeks left: Compete for Overdrive's 2024 Trucker of the Year honorFeatured SponsorThe All New Rand TabletOverdrive RadioLatest EpisodeNo more detention half measures: Time is now to charge for it, and collectMore episodes »