As carriers begin to cope with the realities of Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010, they’ll look at retention and recruitment in new ways. In a webinar produced by Overdrive and Truckers News, Schneider National’s Don Osterberg will examine how fleets need to evaluate drivers’ safety performance and whether the new federal safety initiative will create a shortage of drivers with sufficiently clean records. The free, one-hour presentation, “CSA 2010’s impact on the driver force,” will take place at 3 p.m. (CST) March 17. Register now.
Osterberg is Schneider’s senior vice president of safety, security, & driver training. He is chairman of the American Trucking Association’s Safety Policy Committee and also chairs the Research Advisory Committee of the American Transportation Research Institute. Osterberg is a member of the Trucking Industry Committee of the Transportation Research Board and serves on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Advisory Committee for Intelligent Transportation.
[Correction: The headline in this story in the earlier version of the newsletter sent this morning incorrectly had the date for the CSA 2010 webinar as March 10. It is March 17. We are happy to set the record straight.]