In More Than 20 Years with Con-way Truckload, Daniel Baez Has Done It All
When he began his career at Con-way Truckload in 1989, Daniel Baez couldn’t envision the road his life would take, but he did know that his home and his family would always be his foundation. “I began with Con-way Truckload as a student driver. I loved the work and the company, but after eight years, I left for what I believed would be a ‘better’ opportunity with another carrier who promised to let me work closer to home,” Daniel said. “I was wrong, and two years later I was happy to be driving for Con-way again.”
As a husband and the father of two sons — and now a grandfather to three grandchildren — Daniel’s goal has always been to be home for the important moments in family life, like his son’s basketball and football games — a feat that seems impossible to some drivers. Con-way Truckload understood, supporting Daniel’s desire to drive a regional route that keeps him in the southwestern United States, near his El Paso, Texas, home. “I wanted to be there for my wife and sons and now for my grandchildren. They know I’m proud of them, but my presence shows just how proud I am,” said Daniel. “Con-way gives me the flexibility I need. The priority of the load is always important, but I’m living proof that you can have a life and be there for your family even when you’re a professional truck driver. You just need to be willing to do a little planning and work for a company that knows how to take care of its drivers.”

In 2004, Daniel invested in his own truck and began to work for Con-way Truckload as an owner operator, which gave him even greater independence. Just one year later, however, he was presented with an exciting new opportunity to support Con-way Truckload’s newest drivers. “I provided new-driver orientation at the El Paso station for nearly four years,” Daniel said. “It was an amazing experience that gave me a chance to meet many different people and build great friendships. Best of all, I had a real impact on Con-way and its drivers. It felt great to help, especially new drivers just starting out, and even years later I meet people who thank me again for the support I gave them.”
Following his work at the El Paso station, Daniel took to the road as an owner operator once again — with Con-way’s support. “Even with a company the size of Con-way, you never feel like a number, like one driver among hundreds. It’s a big family with lots of familiar faces. In fact, many of the people I started out with are still here too,” Daniel said. “They know me and respect my skill and ability to get the job done. They enable my independence. In return, I work hard, but I’m paid for the work I do. I always say, ‘If you make a cent, Con-way will pay you down to that penny.’ With Con-way you never have to worry about whether your paycheck will be there — it’s always right on time. When you have a family, you need to know that your employer will pay you based on your miles and your time.”
Daniel credits his Con-way Truckload “family” with helping him and his family through the aftereffects of a serious 1993 accident. “Through no fault of my own, I was involved in an accident, and the company really stood by me and my family 100 percent,” Daniel said. “There was never any question or blame, just support. I had a broken leg and two broken ribs, and the company took care of everything. Their help was invaluable.” Daniel points to Con-way’s comprehensive health plan and workers’ compensation insurance as two more of the essential benefits Con-way provides its drivers.
“One thing that hasn’t changed in the more than 20 years I’ve been with Con-way Truckload is the company’s commitment to its drivers,” Daniel said. “Their commitment to me in turn inspires my commitment to them, and I plan to be with Con-way for a long time to come.”
Drivers interested in joining the Con-way Truckload team should visit, or call 866-WORK-4-US (866-967-5487).