Well over 100 owner-operators turned out Wednesday evening for Overdrive’s first webinar. Kevin Rutherford, our Dollars & Sense columnist and the host of ATBS Trucking Business & Beyond on Sirius XM, had a lot to say about “Surviving a difficult economy.” The overall reviews were overwhelmingly positive, and that’s saying a lot, coming from a group that doesn’t mind sounding off about anything that rubs them the wrong way.
Listeners viewing the free web presentation also had a lot to say – both in questions submitted while Kevin was speaking and in responses to a survey we sent out afterward. Some of the topics you’d like to see covered are negotiating with brokers, maintenance issues and nitty-gritty business matters, such as follow-up on the profit and loss statement Kevin reviewed in his presentation.
We’re putting those suggestions in high priority as we plan webinars for the rest of the year. I’d also like to hear any other ideas, so comment on this blog. Chances are the next ones will be more narrowly focused than this first one. Keep checking the home page of eTrucker.com and the pages of Overdrive for notice of the next one.
If you’d like to see and hear what you missed, visit our Trucker Webinars site next week. By then we should have the recorded program ready for free download. And you can also learn more about Kevin at his website.
— Max Heine