Reader RigsSteve Webb of Lakeland, Fla., bought his 1962 KenwOverdrive StaffMar 7, 2012 Steve Webb of Lakeland, Fla., bought his 1962 Kenworth T800 from the man who restored it and uses the truck as an show piece and advertisement for his towing business.Related StoriesReader RigsJames Hoffman, of Concorcd, N.C., takes his 1995 PReader RigsRaleigh, N.C., native Brandon Smith hauls glass siReader Rigs“I just wanted something different,” Midwest flatbReader RigsLeola, Pa., resident Lamar Buckwalter, former flatTop StoriesOverdrive RadioOwner-op jailed after unwitting participation in cargo theft: Cautionary tale, mitigating riskOne owner-operator got jail time for being tricked into hauling a load for a scheming cargo thief while the "broker" walks free. In Overdrive Radio, ways to mitigate risk amid an increasingly crazy cargo theft landscape.RegulationsFMCSA's broker transparency comment period reopened | HOS waivers for fuels emergency extendedBusinessFreight analysts forecast headwinds of uncertainty around tariffs, could yield slow-growth 2025Custom RigsPristine low-mileage 1997 Peterbilt 379 emerges after 18 years in storageFeatured SponsorNEW dezl Next-Gen Trucking Products - OTR Navigators & Headsets - Life on the road never sounded so goodOverdrive RadioLatest EpisodeOwner-op jailed after unwitting participation in cargo theft: Cautionary tale, mitigating riskMore episodes »