As of September 1, the waiver of hours of service regulations for those hauling certain commodities in direct-assistance efforts related to the COVID-19 emergency changed in significant ways, narrowing from a broad waiver of even the requirement to log hours (and more) to just a waiver of hours time limits maximums.
Also, as reported, the new emergency waiver places a monthly reporting ask on any carrier using it -- FMCSA has signaled an intent to study the extent to which carriers have utilized the waivers in place in various forms since March of 2020. Some watchers feel the agency is attempting to limit the use of the waiver with new changes, though others also see opportunity to utilize information gathered by COVID-relief haulers using the waiver toward further flexibility-enhancing changes to the hours of service. Have you used the waiver often over the past year and more? Weigh in via the poll below or drop a comment at the bottom of the post.
[Related: COVID HOS waiver not necessarily valid 'just because you're hauling food']