New York has extended its comment deadline until Dec. 14 for feedback on draft regulations that would bar large trucks from seven Finger Lake roadways.
This is the second time the state transportation department has extended the comment period after Gov. David Paterson’s May announcement of proposed restrictions. The plans would apply to trucks with trailers 45 feet or greater in length.
The proposals would require these trucks use the National Network, which primarily is the Interstate highway system, except to access terminals or to reach food, fuel, rest or repair locations. When not traveling the National Network, the trucks should utilize the most direct route when accessing terminals and services.
The objective is to maximize use of New York’s Interstate highways as the roads of choice for large, through truck traffic and for these trucks to avoid highways not on the National Network.
Comments may be emailed to [email protected]. They may be mailed to Stanley Gee, Acting Commissioner, New York State Department of Transportation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12232.
More information is also available here.