Recently, the Missouri River has receded from flooding that began June 9. Iowa Department of Transportation employees are getting their first post-flood glimpses of Interstate 680 at the Interstate 29 interchange. Damage assessment will take time, but reopening will not occur this year, said spokeswoman Dena Gray-Fisher.
As of Aug. 31, I-680 between Mormon Bridge and exit 62 still is closed. So is I-29 between Missouri and exit 32 and I-29 North at U.S. 136 near Rock Port, Mo.
Iowa State Route 2 is closed from just beyond the Missouri River bridge to near I-29. This heavily used truck route is expected to remain closed indefinitely, forcing truckers onto a 121-mile detour. This route is open westbound from Nebraska City.
More information is available by calling 511 in Iowa or (800) 288-1047. Travel data is also available here.