Shoemaker’s Travel Center on I-80 in Lincoln, Neb., is the latest truck stop to add electrification by offering 24 electrified parking spaces.
Shoemaker’s has signed up the national Shorepower Truck Electrification Project program funded by the U.S. Dept. of Energy. STEP aims to finance electrification at 50 truck stops nationally over the next 18 months.
The facility at milepost 395 on I-80 will have a grand opening Sept. 9, co-hosted by Shorepower Technologies and Cascade Sierra Solutions, which are partnering on STEP.
Plugged-in demonstration vehicles and shore power-compatible products will be available, and vendors and staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide information.
Another STEP program provides $10 million in idle-reduction rebates for devices on medium and heavy-duty trucks that incorporate standby electricity operation or battery power to reduce engine idling. Rebates of up to 20 percent are offered toward the purchase price of equipment such as auxiliary power units and gen-sets.
For more STEP information click here.