Mark Twain Essay Contest

Writers wanted for trucking essay contest


Your short story or essay could earn you $1,000. The Truckers News Mark Twain Essay Contest is open to all truck drivers and immediate family members. The work may be fiction or nonfiction, so long as it is no longer than 2,000 words and previously unpublished, in print or online. Postmark deadline is April 1. For contest rules and a printable entry form, click here.

Read Barb White’s honorable mention Mark Twain Essay Contest entry on the importance of staying in touch on the road and the ways technology has improved this ability.

Contest Rules

You must be a trucker, trucker’s spouse or trucker’s relative to enter. The article can be an essay or short story but must deal with trucking. The work must be previously unpublished and may be fiction or nonfiction, funny or sad. Entries must be 2000 words or less.

Winners will be determined by the editorial staff of Truckers News. The three winning entries and selected honorable-mention winners will be published in Truckers News, beginning with the June 2010 issue.

Publishing rights (either in print, audio tape or other media) to winning and honorable-mention selections become the property of Truckers News in consideration for prizes awarded. Entries will not be returned. Winners will be responsible for payment of taxes on prizes. Judges’ decisions shall be final. Contest not open to employees of Truckers News, their families or relatives.

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