Get off your butt and bring cheer to yourself and others
Dear Carolyn,
The holiday season is the hardest time of the year to be a single trucker. I always volunteer to take the holiday runs so my married trucker buddies can be home with their families. I’m glad to help out, but sometimes, I have to admit, the loneliness really gets to me. I can’t help comparing my life to theirs. It doesn’t seem fair that I have to go through life alone.
Please don’t give your usual smart-mouth answer and tell me to get a dog. I don’t think a dog is going to help me this year. The reason I’m writing is to tell all your readers to appreciate what they have even if it’s not perfect. It really kills me when I hear them complain about their wife, kids, friends and life. I want to tell them to trade with me for a day!
Anyway, I just wanted to get this off my chest. It’s too late for me, but it might not be for someone reading this.
Dear Joe,
I hear ya, buddy. Really, I do. But it’s my job to poke you in the gut with a sharp stick. You sound like a good guy. You sound like someone with a solid character, good job and at least a pinch of self-awareness. I don’t believe in the “it’s too late for me” syndrome. That smacks of wallowing in self-pity, an activity that burns no calories and serves no useful purpose other than to bring down your mood. Discard the attitude. It’s dangerously close to becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of telling your friends to count their blessings, start counting your own. Put yourself out there. Call someone up. E-mail an old friend. Serve a meal at a homeless shelter. Cheer up the waitresses working the Christmas morning shift. All these small steps can begin the journey toward improving your life. Go do something. Right now!
I’m just say’n.
Dear Carolyn,
I wanted to pass on a useful tip for those trying to train their husbands to do more work around the house. My husband was not doing his share of the household chores. I tried nagging, yelling and begging. Nothing worked. He wasn’t being a jerk about it; he just would rather watch a ball game than mow the lawn. It doesn’t seem to bother him that the grass is out of control and the neighbors are annoyed. Finally, I changed my tactics. Every time he finishes mowing the lawn, I put on his favorite sexy lingerie and greet him at the door with a cold beer. It works like a charm, and we now have the most neatly manicured lawn in the neighborhood.
Why do you think this works so well?
Dear Kate,
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
I’m just say’n.
Dear Carolyn,
I’ve put on about 18 pounds in the last six months. It’s mostly due to the fact that I’ve been too tired from working all day to go exercise. I know I can lose it as soon as my work schedule clears. One work friend told me that men will cheat when you gain more than 20 pounds. I know she’s being mean and petty, but it has been bothering me. I asked my husband if my weight gain makes me unattractive to him, but he said he wasn’t answering that question now or ever.
Do you think this means he thinks I look terrible?
Dear Melanie,
Oh my goodness! I think it means your husband has been reading I’m Just Say’n and knows to never answer the Do I look fat? question.
A few thoughts: Your work friend is not your friend. Immediately remove her from that category. If you can’t exercise due to your work schedule, eat healthier.
If you don’t feel healthy and attractive with this weight gain, your husband will be influenced by your feelings. That doesn’t mean he will cheat on you. But you are cheating yourself by letting your healthy habits slide.
I’m just say’n.