We all have limitations. What is yours? Do you use your limitation as an excuse not to exercise? We need to find reasons to exercise, and our limitations can be just that. We can’t always defeat our limitations, but we can find ways to deal with them.
I have a friend, Rod Maccoux, who has finished the last three Green Bay Marathons. He has a limitation. He’s blind. He deals with it. How easy would it be for him to not do it? Instead he finds a way to deal with his limitation by running with a guide.
We’re truckers. We seem to have an endless list of limitations. It starts with our schedule. We don’t have time for exercise. That’s just a limitation. Work around it. Don’t make your limitation an excuse. Take a 30-minute walk while you’re getting loaded or unloaded.
My limitation is heart disease. My running does not make it go away. It does make it better. My heart is in great shape. My cardiologist says that I have a runners’ heart. My main coronary arteries are in terrific shape with less than 5 percent blockage. My problem lies in my tributary arteries. After an hour or so of running they begin to clog and contract. So I can run 5 or 6 miles at a time without a problem. It is the longer runs that it becomes a problem.

Marathoners traditionally run through a wall 20 miles into the 26.2 mile race. It is a point where your body just seems to have nothing left and yet you continue on. I can no longer run through the wall. I needed a way around it. Walls don’t suddenly appear in front of you. You can see them coming. When you anticipate them it is easier to get around them. I walk long before I hit the wall. Then I can run again.
Find a way around your wall. Riding a bike may actually help that old football knee. Movement can actually improve arthritis. Use your limitation as your reason to exercise.