Dear Carolyn,
I was happily married for five years but as it turns out, my wife was not. She never shared that particular tidbit of information in our short time together. As far as I knew, all was well. I’m not pretending that I’m perfect but I’m not a mind reader either. I came home from a long trip and she had moved out and left me a note saying she was filing for divorce. No explanation. No reason. No idea what happened.
Later, I found out that she found another guy. While I was out there calling her, sending her texts, mailing funny cards and generally trying to do a good job to put a roof over her head, she was “lonely.” Well, she knew I was a trucker when we got married and she said it was fine with her.
I’m bitter. But I blame the trucking life for my marriage’s break-up. If I could be home like a normal human, she would not have had to turn to another guy out of loneliness. So, my advice is to get the heck out of trucking.
I’m just say’n,
Dear Ben,
You didn’t choose the wrong profession, you chose the wrong gal. Plenty of long distance marriages work out. It takes two committed people and in your case, you were a party of one.
I’m just say’n,