With tears in her eyes, Shannon Mann said her ‘I dos’ to her husband, Kevin Young, in front of her friends, family and thousands of people on the radio.

In a sea of jeans, t-shirts and name badges, Mann, dressed in white, walked down the aisle, at the Mid-America Trucking Show. Her feet passed by white petals on carpet as she and her now-husband, walked up to the Sirius XM microphones at the Pana Pacific booths to take their vows. (The microphones were wrapped in white lace.)
When asked how Young was feeling about the whole wedding ceremony, Young said, “Well, I’m a little bit nervous, but my wife is a lot more nervous.”
OTR hauler Young and Mann stood under an archway with white lights and professed their love, as Meredith Ochs and Chris T. of the Freewheelin’ show on Sirius XM Road Dog Trucking Radio officiated. Their wedding was aired live, and the couple said their vows into the Sirius XM microphones.

Ochs talked about the hard road truckers have maintaining their marriages and lauded Young and Mann for coming down the aisle.
The couple calls themselves the “Cornholios”, and several people in the audience had toilet paper to throw after the ceremony was over. At one point, Young was wearing toilet paper around his neck.

The open wedding drew several show attendees as women stopped their husbands to say, “Aww. Look! It’s a wedding!”

After the ceremony was over, toilet paper went into the air. The couple posed for some photographs and the attendees got some white and purple cupcakes.
Here’s a quick video of the couple saying their vows.