Owner-operator smartphone users overwhelmingly access the Web daily, with more than 75 percent saying they access every day and more than 20 percent saying they’re constantly connected to the Web, according to Overdrive’s 2014 Connectivity Study.
Nearly 40 percent reported using their smartphone multiple times per day to access the Web and another 19 percent saying they access at least once daily with their phone.
Mobile is also the most popular way for Overdrive readers to access the Web, with 42.2 percent saying they most often access the Web via mobile. Not far behind, however, is home access, with 41.9 percent of respondents saying connecting at home is how they most often access the Web. The other two ways are office access (10.6 percent), and truck stop access (4.2 percent).
Responses to the more general question “Where do you access the Internet?” were similarly dominated by home access and mobile access, with 73 percent saying they have used the Web at home and 62 percent saying they access the Web with a mobile device. Twenty-eight percent of readers report accessing the Web at their office and 23 percent say they have used the Web at truck stops.
Owner-operator respondents in Overdrive’s survey employ all of the major devices to use the Web, with nearly 70 percent reporting using a laptop computer, nearly 50 percent using a smartphone for web access, 48 percent using a desktop computer and 22.5 percent using a tablet.

Of the smartphone users, 56 percent say they have an Android device, and 37 percent report using an iPhone. The remaining smartphone users have either a Windows Phone, BlackBerry or other unspecified device.
The tablet users, however, are inverse, with 48 percent reporting using an iPad, 21 percent using a Samsung Galaxy Tab, 12 percent using a Kindle Fire, 1 percent using a Microsoft Surface and 19 percent reporting “other.”
Just 4 percent report never accessing the Web with their phone.