Sharing the road: Ariz. funding education for teens around trucks


The Arizona Transportation Education Foundation (ATEF) announced the completion of a $21,137 grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) for fiscal year 2016.

The grant allows ATEF to continue its mission to advocate for highway safety through its “Share the Road” and “Teens and Trucks” programs. Specifically, this grant allows ATEF to use its mobile “Share the Road” commercial trailer with the “Stay Out of the No-Zone” graphics to travel around Arizona sharing its safety message.

“Our Teens and Trucks/Share the Road program is effective in teaching drivers how to safely share the road with commercial trucks,” stated ATEF Executive Director Tony Bradley. “Through education and working together, we can continue to reduce truck-involved crashes on Arizona’s roads. And the more people we can educate about safe driving around large trucks, the safer our roads will be for all drivers.”

The “Share the Road” program has three objectives:

  • Educate all highway users, including passenger car drivers, motorcyclists and commercial vehicle operators, how to share the road safely to reduce truck-involved crashes.
  • Expand public awareness of sharing the road safely with trucks hauling over-dimensional loads.
  • Intensify outreach to several key groups, including novice drivers, senior citizens and others unaware of how their actions around large commercial vehicles can create unsafe traffic situations.

Fing more information about Share the Road and Teens and Trucks via this link.

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