I-276 bridge connecting N.J., Pa. turnpikes closed at least until April

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The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission says engineering crews have begun to build jacking towers to jack the bridge back up to its original height so the fracture can be repaired. (Photo courtesy PTC)The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission says engineering crews have begun to build jacking towers to jack the bridge back up to its original height so the fracture can be repaired. (Photo courtesy PTC)

The Delaware River Turnpike Bridge, which connects the Pennsylvania and New Jersey turnpikes on I-276, will remain closed at least eight more weeks through early April, according to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey turnpike authorities.

The bridge was closed Jan. 20 after a complete fracture was found in a steel I-beam on the Pennsylvania side of the bridge below the driving surface in the westbound right lane. The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) says the fracture makes the bridge unsafe to drive on.

An engineering task force co-led by the PTC and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) says an April reopening is the best-case scenario in which the bridge will not need to be partially or completely reconstructed. PTC says the bridge dropped two inches at the site of the fracture, and repairs will include having to jack the bridge back up to its original height, then install a new splice to support it.

NJTA says drivers heading west on the Turnpike into Pennsylvania are being detoured to I-195 west to I-295 north, which becomes I-95 south. NJTA is encouraging motorists to exit the Turnpike at Interchange 14 and use I-78 west into Pennsylvania.

Eastbound travelers from Pennsylvania into New Jersey should exit at Interchange 351 in Bensalem, then follow U.S. Route 1 north to I-95 north to I-295 south to I-195 east. Drivers can then take exit 6 off of I-195 and reenter the New Jersey Turnpike at Interchange 7A.

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Updates on the project can be found here.

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