It’s hard to believe we’re just a little over two weeks away from opening the show season. We are looking forward to MATS this year, and not just because all the big OE truck displays will be back.
Finally, after five years of being requested, Tony Justice will be on the main stage at the Friday night free concert. It’s about time. We’re really looking forward to seeing him shine on that center stage, as he should.
We’ve got some shenanigans planned, as usual. Our friends at Tough Tested have decided to give us control of their social media pages for the three-day show. We’ll be doing live-stream video with Bill Weaver, who will be playing from the floor of the show at the Tough Tested booth, all three days. There’s also a pop-up concert with Bill at the Red Eye Radio booth Saturday morning, before the doors open.
We’re looking forward to seeing our trucking family. Show season is when we get to sit a minute and have a meal or a beer with people we spend the rest of the year missing. Come on out and see what it’s all about March 23-25 at the Louisville, Ky., convention center. And if you can’t make it, let us know what you’d like to see from the floor of the show, we’ll do our best to live stream as much as possible.
Let’s go show truckin’!