Expediter Services, a company describing itself as a “leader in offering capacity solutions and ownership opportunities within the trucking industry,” will host its latest ES Group Gathering (EGG) event April 27-28 in Southaven, Miss., at the Landers Center just south of Memphis and located off I-55. The Spring EGG features various industry leaders and innovators as speakers on on key topics of interest for drivers, independent contractors and independent owner-operators.

This year, the annual ES Group Gathering expands the program’s focus beyond the expedited trucking sector to also present capacity solutions and truck ownership opportunities tailored for the general trucking market. The expansion of topics reflects what ES sees as its growing presence within the general trucking sector. Through the website SuccessInTrucking.com, ES has developed a platform for offering well-designed entrepreneurial opportunities in general trucking that are proven and market-tested. The site is built to highlight the various options and programs that ES has established, the company says, offering accessible market-rate financing and comprehensive business support to prospective owner-operators and fleet owners.

Speakers on the Saturday of the two-day event include:
**Ellen Voie, President & CEO of the Women In Trucking Association
**Michael Miller, Managing Director of Stephens, Inc.
**Leah Shaver, Chief Operating Officer for the National Transportation Institute
**Nick Burch, Director of Recruiting for Panther Premium Logistics, a Service of ArcBest
**Ryan Gilliam, Vice President of Recruiting for Forward Air
ES will be providing free lodging and meals for the attendees during the two days of the gathering, with a limited number of spots available, the company says. Find a full schedule and registration information via this link.