‘No Parking’ — another day in the trucking headlines

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Updated Nov 30, 2015

As the folks with AsktheTrucker.com report a soon-to-be-released musical paean to the truck parking legislation known as Jason’s Law, there are at least two new blows to truck parking availability worldwide:

The first comes from Arnold, Mo., where state rep and former truck driver Tim Meadows was on record supporting an aggressive local ban on truck parking on on- and off-ramps in the city limits, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article about the ban. “We have trucks stops,” Meadows was quoted as saying, “two in Pevely, one in Herculaneum and one in Barnhart. Trucks belong parked in a terminal at night.”

The second’s on the Bahrain side of the King Fahd Causeway from Saudi Arabia — last time we checked in with truckers of the Mideast, Bahrainian transport reps were reported waits of in extreme cases a week on the causeway into Saudi Arabia, where chtanges in border crossing rules had brought the delays. This story, published Saturday at the website of the English-language Gulf Daily News, reported the jettisoning of a partial solution to the problem, a truckstop on the Bahrain side where trucks could stage before set crossing times. A similar stop on the Saudi side of the border, GDN reported, “can accommodate 600 trucks and features services such as a mosque, toilet facilities, restrooms, dining facilities and a customs and raffic police office.”

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